A city guardian angel

13 June 2021

Sophea had had a joyful and eventful day of saying goodbyes since it was her last day at her work. That together with looking forward to starting at a new company with an exciting and challenging opportunity, it was a rollercoaster of mixed emotions. The adrenaline was running high. Preparing for each day of the last week, evenings comprised of packing and keeping ready the little souvenirs she had made for them all and during the day going from lesson to lesson saying goodbyes and wishing good fortune to the many people she worked with, alongside doing a precious art piece she decided to make with them all, as a remembrance of them to her. She slept less hours than her usual 7.5 - 8 per night. She still coughed a bit on and off. 

As Friday approached, she felt intensely sick. Her tired eyes desperate for a good sleep, which was interrupted with the coughing. She felt drowsy and weak. Was it the virus that had caught up with so many people? She laid in bed at 7:00 pm hoping to get some rest. In her head, she wanted to make some fluids to keep up the strength. Maybe a lemon juice with some herbs, another with tomato and basil, water. But her body didn’t have the strength to wake up. She realised she had a meeting with a friend the following Monday. Not knowing if she will be well, she messaged the friend asking to cancel. The friend, assuming what was needed at the moment, asked her about her symptoms. She chatted with him for a while as they both agreed the physical illness was a physical manifestation of the emotional and stress happening within her, regarding closing the current job and being at the brink of starting a new one and the sort of challenges she’d face ahead. 

Sophea appreciated having that conversation but that’s not what she needed. She already had the answers that they discussed. What she really needed was someone to be at her side who’d help her get out of bed and make the fluids to keep the body strong with home remedies before it got worse. That was most important for her at that hour. The sort of friends that would with no doubt do this for her, had returned to their country. She checked with another friend what he’d been upto that evening. after knowing he was tired as well after his week she didn’t ask further. After all, it was Friday evening. The part of the week where one just wants to unwind from the hustle of the week. 

It was 21:00 then and drawing close to 22:00 when the pharmacy would close for the day. She knew at the back of her mind, there was no one to help her up at that moment. That she’d have to push through, book an uber and get herself to the pharmacy to pick up the prescribed pills, hoping they’d make her feel better. She mustered courage and went on. Entered the uber car. As she sat at the back, the driver asked her a few questions. There was just one thing on her mind, she just wanted to make it on time to the pharmacy before it closed. Usually, she didn’t like chatting up in the car service. 

Riding on her way, everything seemed to be quite a blur since she was really weak and afraid that the virus might have caught her. However, through that, she recognised a very good accent in fluent English speaking with her from the driver's seat. The sound was pleasant. She spoke with him a bit. Since the pharmacy was sort of far away from her place she looked into her phone and booked a return trip with the same car. After driving around for a while they arrived at a mall. He asked her - “Are you going to a shopping mall”? she said, “Me? At this hour? No. I’m going to a pharmacy”. “Well we are at a shopping mall,” he said. “I suppose the pharmacy is in the mall then,” said she. To which he replied “but there were other open pharmacies near your home” “I am aware. But it’s past 20:00 and they do not have the medicine I'm looking for and this one closes at 22:00, so I'd better hurry”. He parked at the side and asked her to let him know when she'd be done and that he’d come back for her through the front of the mall. It was in and out within 5 minutes. Sophea hopped back into the car feeling relieved that she had the medicine. Being hopeful she'd be well soon, she started feeling a little better already. She felt weak yet calm. 

On the way back home, they talked about a couple of different topics. About his origins, his English accent, his work, his cultural background. She was curious because she hadn’t met many people from his country before. Sophea was surprised they spoke English at such a good level in his country. While conversing she realised, the universe manifested so quickly what she requested. A kind friend. Technically it was the closing hour that led her to book a car service. But technicalities aside, she received quite well what she asked for and in a good measure. She didn’t make any fluids with him but they had a good conversation, got the medicine, returned back home and decided to keep in touch. It turned out to be a real friend. He was intellectual, funny, sensitive and kind. What else does one need to make a friend? 

Why is he the city guardian angel? Perhaps because he drives in the city. But more importantly, he appeared in a moment that Sophea needed some sort of support while being physically weak and unable to do things alone. He probably had been a guardian angel to many others who were blessed to receive the gift of kindness in their hour of need.

Have you ever come across such a situation in your life where someone appeared to you out of nowhere and helped you with something important? What was it like? Do share your experience with us in comments.


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