Gently pushing the boundaries of self limitations
Usually, on a week day, I wake up at 6:30, read till 7:00, meditate and exercise till 7:30. By the time I shower, have breakfast, do some make-up, water my plants and am ready to leave out the door off to work, it’s 9:00 am, sometimes 9:30. This works with my schedule and there isn’t really anything wrong as such with it.
But then came a certain Sunday. A good friend of mine asked if I’d like to accompany her to a local market that opens at 9:00 and closes at 12:00.
I know that usually on Sundays I wake up late, read in bed and watch some videos. By the time my feet are on the floor to really really wake up, it's mostly 11:00, sometimes 12:00. I hadn't promised her I'd accompany her shopping since I knew that I'd have to wake up at 9:00 and that wasn't very likely of me on a Sunday.
She messaged me at 9:00 asking if I'm ready. Ready? Me? On a Sunday at 9:00. Hell No!! I'm still in bed.
But just as an experiment to humour myself, I thought... well it's 9:00. If I leave the house by 10:00 I might reach the market at 10:45. I've had all these lovely slow Sundays to enjoy by myself, let's try something new here. If I don't make it, I can continue with my quiet chill day. If I do make it in time, I'll have experienced something new today with people I love being around with. It's a win win either ways.
So with enthusiasm to make it in time, I read, meditated, showered, had breakfast, watered the plants, did makeup and I was actually out the door just 5 minutes after 10:00. Woahhh...something that usually takes me 3 hours is possible to be done in 1 hour. Now this opens up new arenas for me with regards to how I lay out my mornings on weekdays. This is mind-blowing.
At work, I've always had the option to start at 7:00 or 8:00 and finish at 3:00 or 4:00. But I start at 9:30 or 10:00. This new unexpected change on a Sunday gave me a little peek into seeing that I can make it early to work if I want.
Going back to the Sunday, I did make it at the market at 10:45. I shopped some fascinating things in preparing my wardrobe for autumn. I had a splendid time improving my polish while speaking with the sellers and my friend being kind to help me with it. Having her company was the best of all. So many good things all because I decided to move the cozy blanket at the side, put my feet on the ground and get ready.
Is there something in your life that you think, maybe as an experiment you can see if you'd like to change something? Something that would give you a positive outcome? Make your life better? Could it be a dream you have tucked away feeling to shy to face it and make it a reality?
Think about it. What would happen if you pushed the boundary of comfort a little. Just a little and where would you be? What could happen?
I'll let you linger on that thought and go about my Sunday doing a little more to just humour myself in my peaceful chill.
I like your writing style, apart from your invitation to try something new on the weekend. I think you should cultivate your writing habits and I promise to read every bit you post. I might also be tempted to try something new one of these weekends.....