Winter Blues or SAD?

Yes, it's winter. Too close to Christmas. Busy shopping, buying decorations, presents, setting up the home and all the little things we enjoy doing this time of the year. 

However, amidst the busy time, I woke up on a Tuesday morning with no energy to do anything. Somehow I dragged myself out of bed to have breakfast, confirm my tickets with the travel agent and do the usual morning rituals. 

Had my oats, fired up the Mac to get working, just no energy. I didn't feel sad, I didn't feel depressed, I just had no juices flowing. It actually has a scientific name. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Reading about it increases our knowledge and might us feel less overwhelmed. 

My usual chirpy self was just not there. 

Until Lunch time, when I had a good hot soup and a warm meal I began feeling better just after noon. 

It got me thinking about my circadian cycle being mixed up probably being the cause of it. It made me wonder about those who actually suffer from depression and feel absolutely no motivation for days and days. Some take medication for this, which sometimes helps. 

Do you feel this way sometimes? Especially in Winter? You have a lot to be done but can't get yourself out of bed? 

It occurred to me that no one will know because on the outside, you look fine and normal. 

If you're reading this post, I want to you know, you're not alone. Many of us feel this way in Winter. 

Here are some tips I find useful to get you through this time. 

  • Maintaining the sleep cycle helps a lot. 

Sleeping at 10:0 PM  and waking up at 6:00 AM does wonders. 

If I have gone to sleep at 11:45 PM and wake up at 7:45 AM I do not have enough time to meditate, read, or exercise before I get to start work. This disturbs my state of flow. 

  • Have a hot soup and/or a warm meal

  • Make a To Do list. Do the easiest thing on your list to get you started and slowly work up the list to more complex items on it. 

  • Speak to someone close and trusted. Tell them honestly how you feel. 

Although if it persists, definitely see a Doctor so they can investigate the case closely. 


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