Your dream life professionally and privately starts with Self awareness and self knowledge
With the new year setting in soon and numerous posts about resolutions could be overwhelming. We all want a dream life and a career that truly satisfies us but often times we might not know how. Why not equip our journey with continuous learning?
Here's a list of books that I highly recommend which immensely helped me along the way and benefit myself and all those whom I share.
- School of Life - Alain De Botton
- Reinventing Your Life - Jeffery Young & Janet Klosko
- Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: Stairway to Enlightenment - David Hawkins
- Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender - David Hawkins
- Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus - John Gray
- Surrounded by Idiots - Thomas Erikson
- The Audacity to be Queen - Gina DeVee
I’ve read each in the order listed above (except the audacity to be Queen, which I’m currently reading)
It has made a huge difference in understanding of myself and others.
Reading and acquiring knowledge absolutely de-mystifies the innumerable conflicts we have with ourselves and others.
On my list for 2023
- Non-Violent Communication: Marshall Rosenberg
Since I focussed on personal improvement the past 2 years, this year I shall focus on reading books on professional development in the area of my work.
Some of those are
- Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash - Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck
- Start with Why - Simon Sinek
and more coming up soon.
You might be wondering, how would you have the time to read in the midst of your busy schedule?
I follow the one-day-at-a-time formula.
After waking, I read for 20 minutes most days.
This enables me to start my day in a state of empowerment and fresh new strength to resolve the challenges of the day, reflect on my goals and focus on improvement areas.
20 minutes a day might seem small. Adding consistency to it has given me the outcome of having read these books and gain the fruits by applying its teachings in my daily life. Have you read some of the books listed here? Perhaps you have some inspiring books to share with me.
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