Life: We have it today
It can be gone tomorrow
Should that bring fear of losing it?
The opposite for me
Living in the illusion - life’s long … take it easy mindset
Has its downsides
Take close ones for granted
Put off plans
That word we don’t like and yet do it almost everyday > procrastinate
Does it mean we sign up for bungee jumping or sky diving ?
Or scuba ?
Or hike to the Everest or Antarctica ?
It doesn’t have to be
Living life to the fullest
Doesn’t necessarily mean living on the edge or the extremes
Those little things
The ones you keep putting off
Signing up for that course you’ve so much wanted to do
Change that unsatisfactory job
Learn that new skill
Get therapy, heal emotionally, learn to forgive and let go
Book that ticket to that festival
Go on that trip
Challenge yourself
Take courage
Ask that girl or boy out
She/He might say no and so what?
Stop and smell the roses
Try that coffee or café
Eat a lobster
Practice self-awareness than defending
Learn how to do that if you don’t know the difference
Read | Learn | Run > in whatever order that suits you
Do that sport
The list is endless
What makes you smile?
Who makes you smile?
Do more of it
That pure sense of happiness that comes even without the A, the M1, M2, D, L or C
The one that’s original and innate
Make sweet pure passionate love
Apolgise if needed
Meet that friend
Look into that person’s eyes
While we’re at it
Break ties with things that don’t work
Things and people that don’t vibe on your wave
Close that relationship
Put that stop
Wake up
I suppose what I’m saying is …
Express yourself
Show your colour
Stand out
Go off-track from the ordinary
Don’t hold back by sending it to another day or put it under covers
Life is too short to be just a skeptic and live in fear
We have life today
Tomorrow we might not
An accident
A fatal diagnosis
In the blink of an eye
It can all be gone
And then what’s left ?
Those Rs that we don’t like
> Remorse Regret Regression
How about you ?
Which lane are you swimming in?
What colours are you exploring and playing with ?
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