Then and Now


Has it been that you let your mind wander 

Dream about that person 

Hope for experiences with them 

And they amounted to nothing? 

So much that you wished for it

And thought you literally almost had it 

Yet absolutely just nothing!! 

And now when you look back 

You feel  - Oh such a waste! 

Of time, emotions

You're reminded of the MammaMia track

- don't go wasting your emotions! 

Hold on dear human 

I've come to realise all's not really lost 

It is what you make of it that really matters

And what can you make now

out of that which you didn't attain or mingle with? 

The magical thing I've found is 

Own it! 

Take a calm space

The river, the forest

Perhaps while at your workout

Where your mind is clear 

Bring back that energy 

Call it to you 

Receive that good positive vibe you sent out 

Release it into the universe 

It was never a waste 

Seasons come and seasons go 

Just like the people we encounter 

And when a certain season wasn't all that you hoped for 

Inviting good energy will show you 

You'll encounter new people 

Energies you'll meet 

Not necessarily to mingle in the way you expected

But to show you a mirror 

Take you on a journey 

Touch on something within you 

Intimate but not romantic

And yes 

There is a place for this 

It lies within you 

Not everything is romance 

And that is also ok 

You smile and are refreshed 

You'll see how the seemingly wasted effort

Some time back then

Is multiplied five times or even ten

More alive with the now

And it's beautiful 

Just as it is 

All is pure 

All is good 

The more you separate yourself

Call to yourself what is yours 

The more you feel liberated 

Peace reigns and you own your space 

It might seem abstract 

And is designed to be so 

That you may find your own meaning 

And give shape and form 

To that which makes you whole 

Write your story 

Paint your heart 

Colour your life 

Give it form as you like 


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