The Calling - Part 1

Complete a degree 

3 years or 5 

Take a job 

Buy a car, then a house 

Or the other way round 

Get married, kids, 

get on with the rest of it 

It didn’t sit right with me 

because it’s the stereotype 

or because society paints such a strong picture of it? 

What am I really meant to do in this world? 

This caught my attention every now and then 

Did the job, the usual 925 

The people were okay 

I sought more 

Another study 

The one that I actually passionately liked 

Moved to another continent

This tug kept pulling at me - what is my calling? 

The glamour of a martyr, a full time missionary 

The sacrificial one 

It hung wide all through life so far 

Religion or Career? 

Martyr or Monster rat? 


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