A Raspberry Pie Experience


My first time in baking this pie. An absolutely unforgettable experience.
Such an insightful lesson while making the scrumptious shortbread pie crust: Some things need to crumble first and then be built up. 

  • Read

  • Follow the instructions 

  • Learn the technique 

  • Perfect it gradually 

Some learning points:

  • A little less sugar would be great! 

  • A little less almond extract so it blends smooth with the rest of the ingredients 

  • Wayyy less filling 

  • Add some cornflour in the filling so it isn’t as runny 

  • A little more dough to ensure full coverage 

✨Learning to weave the lattice pie top was so exciting in this experience. 

I LOVED the aroma of pies baking. Felt like Christmas ✨


The crust on top was perfect. Although, too much filling made it too liquidy. The pie crust all around was sauggy, soft and wet. That can’t be relished.

I thought all my toil had been wasted. 

I accepted I might have to give it up, throw it away and make a new one another day. 

I wrote to them and told them that maybe we won’t have any pies tomorrow. 

Not embarrassed to tell them it was messed up. Just quite sad. I enjoyed making it so much and was so looking forward to it. 

I thought, let’s give it another try. Could this be fixed? 

I googled “How to fix a runny pie?” 

One suggestion seemed motivating. I tilted the pie dish carefully and let out all the water I could. I put the pies back one after the other in the oven for 20 mins at the same temperature.

Once done, I took them out, and placed a clean cloth over each all night with a silent desire - it’ll be lovely if this can work out.

The next morning, looked at them. They seemed ok. Put them in the cases and put them in the fridge in the office all day till noon. 

When the time had come, I began cutting it without knowing what to expect. And then? They seemed perfect even through imperfections.

Wow! These are edible and delicious!! I had no idea it would turn out like this.

I made it for my teams on the occasion of my birthday. They loved it 🥳 The guy who works out remarked: “Maybe next time just a little less sugar” You got it mate! A little less sugar it is! 

How about you dear reader? What are you gonna challenge yourself with? Look up that recipe or that thing you've wanted to do for a long time but haven't gotten around it. A beginner's version to start with. Go for it! 😎

Surrender your desires to the divine and see how it returns with blessings that take you beyond yourself.


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