It was a few days after we heard of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
In a sudden state of - how to live normal?
It was a February
I had tickets to a concert in March in another city
Could I dance, put my hands in the air when the neighbouring country is attacked?
How can I dance when thousands are struggling in the middle of winter
Crossing the border to save a life
I cancelled it. So did many of us
And rush to the aid, in ways we could
How do you live day to day?
Panic confusion separation all around
Death too - Unrequired, unnecessary
Pray, Do what you can
Forgive us Lord
May your grace be upon us and the oppressors
Turn our hearts to you
Wake up, go to work, exercise
Gather daily bread
Give a helping hand
It would seem like the water was rising uncontrollably
Would they be afloat or would they drown?
In the untypical that was around
I went to my usual spinning class after work
I witnessed his sensitivity to the issue
It’s the first time I heard the song
And what else could one do except Surrender in these moments?
Wake up to another day
With strength from the Lord
Grace flowing in and through you
Let his light shine in you in truth
His peace surrounds you
Dispels the darkness
He said: Love one another as I have loved you
In gentleness and compassion
“Do not be weary of doing good,
for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”
Gal 6:9
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