
Every day brings me new words 
New phrases 
In this language called Polish 
Being careful how and with whom I spend my time
Evermore so, 
Since Grace returned me 
To the truth a few months ago

I’d never noticed this word before 
Asked them its meaning 
Just to witness myself living it so freely 
In their midst all evening
The kind I experience 
only when with my brother
Pure and free
No fear. No worry

The next morning 
Looking into the mirror
Drying my hair 
I feel this sense 
Of something heavy leaving me 
Ambition having left some time ago
I see myself being set free in every aspect 
No need to run in -10 
If the floor isn’t safe 
Gotta prove nothing to no one 

To go about the world 
Seeking truth and finding it 
At its source and to be delivered 
It’s not an achievement 
It’s not a goal 

A way of being
I wouldn’t know how words can explain
For the word of God says it all! 

28 “Come to me, 
all you who are weary and burdened, 
and I will give you rest. 
29 Take my yoke upon you 
and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. 
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

I think the word I was looking for 
to explain swobodny is REST 
It’s humbling to think 
This group of humans 
Least did I expect to experience this with 
Least did I expect to experience this today 
A blessing I pray 
For everyone who comes across this bliss that has found me ✨


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