Believing in Miracles
This expression is inspired by a Colleague’s determination
to pesevere in making things work
even when there didn’t seem a way forward in the beginning
It’s easy to raise hands
Say No Sir can't do, I tried
Say I quit
It’s beyond me yada yada yada
You say I quit, He says who cares!
I’m gone, gonna find me a new ride!
F$$# this $#%%
But then there are those
Who almost bend backwards
To make it work
To find a way
Why give it away after we’ve come so far?
And it makes one believe in miracles
In this world
No bags of cash
No stockings filled with gold
They come and go
It’s pure humanity like this
More precious than gems
To care for another like your own
Your reward buddy - the fruits of your integrity
I see your works
Among your people
I see mountains moved
And I Thank you Lord
Glory be to you
I see chaos when I look to the right
Unjust on the left
People dying
Hypocrisy flying high
I know I know I know
Oh Lord
You are God
And you are here
If you’ve done it for someone
I know you’ll do it again for more
Let your mercy sweep sweep all over our land
Every mountain moved
Every sea that’s swimmed
Assures me of your greatness
Mighty God
There’s nothing
Nothing that’s impossible for you
I rest in your grace
Feet standing tall
Rooted in you
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