Perfect Timing


Like Zaccheus 

Who secured his spot on the sycamore tree

So he could see the Lord up close

Exactly as such am I

While making my way across the aisle

Keep a tag 

That’d mark a space for me 

I was met by the Priest 

Greeted with a warm hug and a smile 

Always welcome to this church have I been 

As he whispered, he gently asked if I’d do a small reading 

With this blessing and with kindness I agreed 

I read it to practice 

Lord God be praised for his gracious timing

That I’d be in this place at this very time 

This very moment on my way to my sycamore tree

Undeviced by my own mind 

That I was blessed

To read a prayer 

Presenting those to be baptised in the faith 

Less than 40 days hence 

Such fortune to personally make this among my prayers

Oh heaven be blessed 

All good is heaven-sent

Oh thou creature 

Made from the earth 

Be assured of this 

Divine timing is here at hand

For every moment of thine 

To grant you peace 

In every trial 

However it could seem, mighty or trivial


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